You Should Now…#Be Yourself

     Mo’ne Davis is the 13 year old pitcher for the Philadelphia Taney Dragons who just happens to be a female. Philadelphia beat Texas 7-6 in the second round of the Little League World Series. Mo’ne is getting a lot of media attention because she is a good athlete and a female in a male dominated sport.

     I grew up in Philadelphia. Most of my family still lives there. I will not claim to be a sports fan, but I should have been from birth. If you know anything about Philly, the people that live there are serious about their sports teams. The atmosphere in the city is good when the Eagles, Sixers, Flyers, and Phillies are winning, but when they are losing not so much. My mother loves her Philly teams, especially the Eagles. She would tell me to leave her house if I ever walked in wearing anything Dallas Cowboys (Eagles’ rival) and would not hesitate. Once, I needed a ride to the airport but she refused to take me because the Eagles were playing. She played sports in high school and college at Temple University in Philadelphia. My father is a Philly sports fan too (not as outwardly enthusiastic as my mom). He played high school sports and got a college scholarship for football. He left college to go to the Marines, and busted his knee playing football while stationed in Japan. So because of my parents and the city I was raised in, I should be a die hard sports fan. I am not, but I am happy that Philly is winning in the Little League World Series. I am sure all of Philly is happy too.

     In an interview with ESPN, Mo’ne discussed the fact that some people look to her as a role model. She confirmed that she did not think she would be a role model at her age and although she is getting a lot of attention (social media included), she has to just be herself. Wow. At 13 years old she knows with all that is going on around her she cannot lose who she is. At 13, I don’t know if I knew to be me all of the time. Sometimes no matter our age we want to be loved. Sometimes we want to be liked. Sometimes we let go of who we are in order to be included. I hope she remembers to be herself at all times now and as she matures and grows into adulthood.

Go Philly!

(photo credit:

You Should Now…#Look Beat

makeuptoo You Should Now…#Look Beat. For those who don’t know a beat face is, it is a face where makeup is flawless. You have the right product on every inch of your face. I love a beat face. It helps a woman look put together. As for me, I rarely wear more than lip gloss. It is bad. I use the excuse of not knowing how to apply it, but everything is taught on you tube (see the link above). I see nice makeup and think, oh that color will look good on this person or that person. I tell my sister and friends you should wear this color or that color, but now I feel like I should start wearing makeup. I will be 36 this year and getting closer to 40 makes me feel like I should have a different look. For those who are with me, Beatfacehoney (@beatfacehoney) has a bunch of you tube videos including videos for beginners. She is a celebrity makeup artist. Check her out. In the meantime I am going to get in the mirror and practice and share pics soon. Tell me what are your favorite products?



You Should Now…#Read


So You Should Now…read that book that you have been putting off for later. Let’s put it back on the to do list. I have been suggesting books for others that I have either finished and approved of, or books that I heard were good reads. However, I have a few books that I have not completed and it seems like I have been reading them forever. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is one of them. I think I have been reading it since 2011. Literally. How embarrassing. I can read. LOL. It’s just that every time I pick it up (every few months), I do some review and I still have not finished it. There is so much information in it that I want to remember it all. It is time to stop reviewing and just read. I do not want to still have this book on my to do list in 2015. So join me. What book(s) do you want to finally finish? I know you may be married, may have children, work, hobbies, but let’s finish what we have started together. I am going to commit to finishing Think and Grow Rich by the end of this month, August 2014. I’ll let you know when it is crossed off the list. 

Swim Time!



So the pictures of the pool that are currently the header and the background of this blog (not background or header anymore) are of a house my husband and I rehabbed. When we bought the house the pool was so nasty. The water was brown and had frogs. It was not good. These pictures are of the cleaned out, new and improved water (the lawn was not done yet in these pics.) One of the things that I have been putting off until later was learning to swim. I almost drowned a couple of times as a kid. (That is a different post for another day.) I am actually scared of deep water that I cannot stand in, but I have decided to finally learn. I don’t want my daughter to learn to swim before me (she is 2, but still.) How would that look? So the pool where I live will be open for a few more weeks and I am going to learn. Video to come…




So I will be 36 in November. Hence the big day count down to the right. I have been reflecting as sometimes we tend to do and making the list of the things I have not done yet (authoring a blog was one of them.) And I realized that I have been an emotional-eater for about 12 years. Wow. I did not realize I let food and food noise control my life for that long. The days add up to years so fast. First it started with candy, peppermints to be exact, in my early 20s. When I bought a house and moved out at 23, it was on. My fun, sadness, irkedness, whatever I was feeling good or bad food was involved. Too involved. Now that I am closer to 40 than 30. I am tired. There has to be a better way to deal with things. Food has to be apart of life to survive, but I am determined to make it for my survival not as my friend.